miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2020

Jonathan's favourite board games

Did you play board games this quarantine? Jonathan wants to share board games he plays with his family and friends. Let's watch it!

domingo, 24 de mayo de 2020


Pachee shows us different boardgames she played when she was little. Which are your favourite boardgames?


domingo, 17 de mayo de 2020


This week, Pachee is going to talk about some Festivals in the world.


Below you have a scavenger. Try to find some information about these festivals.

sábado, 16 de mayo de 2020


Pachee, our school language assistant, talks about an object that she loves very much because it is very special. Discover why.



This week Jonathan is going to explain some history about his hometown: Florida.
Watch the video and later do the quizziz to check how much you remember.


lunes, 11 de mayo de 2020


Jonathan continues with the topic "cinema". This time he wants to show us his favourite cartoons films and his favourite characters. Jonathan's questionnaire is at the end of the video. Remember to bring it done for a chat with Jonathan this Wednesday.


In year 4 we are learning vocabulary related to "cinema".  Pachee talks about different genres and films. Moreover, she mentions the movies she loves.
Don't forget to answer her questions for the lesson on Thursday.

And here it is the presentation.

viernes, 8 de mayo de 2020

Houses in the USA

Do you know that houses in the USA are different from in our country?. 

Houses are built with some materials or others depending on the weather, if it's cold warm. 

Jonathan explains it all. 

miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2020

Toys and materials.

Hello students!
We've got a new video from Jonathan.
Jonathan shows his toys and diferrent objects and their materials . 
Enjoy the video!. 

lunes, 4 de mayo de 2020


In Year 4, children are working on the topic "Cinema". This video takes part of the book children are working on this year. It belongs to Oxford, from the book Rooftops. This video shows the steps to make a film. The children follow the steps to create the well-known story of Robin Hood: they think of the characters, prepare the script, the storyboard, the set and, finally, they record the video and add some music.


This week Pachee is going to talk about food, about different dishes which are traditional in some English speaking countries.
What are some of the traditional dishes in Murcia or even in Spain? Think about it in order to tell Pachee.

Moreover, did you know the origin of chocolate?


Pachee has prepared a wonderful vídeo for the pupils in Year 4.
She tells us they type of music she and her boyfriend like to listen depending on their mood.


 What kind of music do you listen to when you are happy, sad or when you exercise, read or do yoga?

Below is the presentation of the video.

viernes, 1 de mayo de 2020

Our langauge assistant's house

Hi girls and boys!

Jonathan is one of our language assistant for this academic year 2019-2020. He is now in the USA because of the pandemic but helping children at Pintor Pedro Cano school. He shows his house, its furniture and materials used in different objects at his home. Enjoy the video!.